
Kindle for Android coming

Berita Gadget -  What was hinted at in those leaked Dell Streak flyers is now official: Kindle for Android. Regrettably, it is not prepared to download. Amazon's free Kindle ebook reader. Already out for Mac, PC, BlackBerry, & iDevices. Won't launch until later this summer.

When it does, users of Android 1.6 & above (with SD card) will have the ability to search, browse, & buy (without exiting the app) any of the half million books in the Kindle Store. Like the other apps, Kindle for Android features Whispersync to keep your bookmarks, last page read, notes, & highlights synchronized across all of your Kindle-enabled devices. Expect to see this demonstrated at Google I/O beginning tomorrow.

Source : engadget

Kindle for Android coming Kindle for Android coming Reviewed by Berita Harian Teratas on 12:40 AM Rating: 5

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