
Gadgets, Pocket Size Fuel Cell Power Plant for Portable Electronics

Berita Gadget - If talks about gadgets, be likely true there is no ending. Every day always there are emerging  new gadgets. So do with this gadget. Mobile devices are becoming more sophisticated & need more power for longer times in order to stay practical to consumers. Horizon is combining its consumer product know-how with innovative fuel cartridge technologies to form a new device named miniPAK able to charge a variety of transportable electronics for longer durations & at a lower cost than existing disposable, rechargeable battery options.

The miniPAK transportable electronic tool charger is designed to meet the needs of users who need more transportable energy in one package, at a lower cost than existing rechargeable or disposable battery-based options. The full press release is available here.

Gadgets, Pocket Size Fuel Cell Power Plant for Portable Electronics Gadgets, Pocket Size Fuel Cell Power Plant for Portable Electronics Reviewed by Berita Harian Teratas on 9:58 PM Rating: 5

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